Sales Representation and Development

Let them know that you business exists and is worth their time.

Sales Representation and Development

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What is included?

Understand the market. Before knowing if the market is worthy, I can make you a market study: Who are your competitors, what is their price, how is the market for my product/service?

I identify and prospect possible customers and partners for you and book you qualified meetings. In less than 2 months you will have already possible customers and partners that make your money worth.
In some cases there is also the possiblity for comercial agent.

Depending of the business, some might work better with a email or Linkedin campaign.

If you are you looking for investors or you want to develop inovation hubs, I also can help you guide and finding you the right contacts

There is not a one fit all, as I am focusing on the customer needs so feel free to reach out if you have something else in mind.

Who is this for?

Startups and established business that want to grow to a new market and are starting their internacionalization. Can be Nordic companies that want to grow in the Portuguese speaking countries or Portuguese speaking countries that want to enter the Nordic market.

Why this service and not hire someone?

You can both. In some cases, I worked with companies that they have someone already in their internacional sales. If you don't have yet and are not sure if the market is worth it, by using my services you can get the answer and if it works good, paying customers in less than 2 months without spending the amount of time and money you would by hiring a sales team/person.
If you already have a sales team, works perfectly also. I create the pipeline for your sales team and like that we can acelerate the sales process.

You do it alone?

I am highly focused on the client, so I don't want to take much customers and then not be able to deliver the best possible results. But one doesn't go far alone, so I have partners in every Nordic and Portuguese speaking country that help me, help you get the best results possible

What's the price?

Price starts at 1500€.